The Pasture Difference

When you taste our meat, you’ll notice a significant difference from what you would find at your grocery store. Not only does it taste remarkably better, it is also a lot better for you.

Why? Our animals are raised outdoors in a low stress environment with the ability to forage. For cattle, this means unlimited access to fresh grass, with choice grain and hay available at the end of the season. The chickens scrounge and dig to their heart’s content, consuming the grubs and insects left after the cattle move through each pasture section. The activity of grazing creates a leaner meat, with fantastic flavour while also creating a more beneficial protein profile. The benefits are also passed on to the environment through rotational grazing. The cyclical grazing of grass encourages growth, resulting in increased carbon sequestration and expansive root development, which in-turn feeds soil biology. The chickens help cycle the nutrients left behind by the cattle as they consume bugs and leftover grass. Chicken manure also contains more readily available nitrogen, which feeds the grass and starts the whole cycle over again! The end result is a product that is good for you, good for the environment and good for the animals.


Pasture-Raised Beef

Our cattle are Charolais-Angus cross, born on Manitoulin Island by Grandview Farms. They live on pasture, providing them full access to green grasses, cold water and natural shade. In addition to their pasture diet, they are fed our homegrown grain (barley or oats), to help achieve a marbled meat. The end result is lean, nutritious and full of flavour.


Pasture-Raised Chickens

Our white rock chickens come to the farm as day-old chicks and are put on pasture as soon as they’re fully feathered (around week 3). Being raised on pasture, our chickens are exposed to lots of sunshine, clean air, and fresh grasses and bugs. Since chickens cannot handle a strict forage diet, they are also fed locally sourced grain. This combination creates a finished product that is rich tasting, lower in saturated fats and higher in vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin D, E and Omega 3 fats.